Our Team

Meet Our People



Roman Romanov – Managing Clerk

Roman has been employed as a Paralegal at Elisa Rothschild Lawyers since 2019. When Roman finished High School in 2010, he had a break from studying to work full-time and gain life experience. Roman worked for six years before moving to Melbourne in November 2017. He planned on beginning a Bachelor of Arts degree then, as soon as practicable, transferred into a Bachelor of Laws degree. He hasn’t looked back on pursuing his dream career as a Lawyer. Roman is currently in his final year of study.



Abhishek Narayan – Managing Clerk

Abhishek has a growing interest in Law and its function in society which at a young age encouraged him to pursue Law through formal education. Abhishek is undertaking a Bachelor of Law at Swinburne University with one year and a half remaining. He then plans to head straight into Practical Legal Training and apply to the Victorian Legal Board of Admission upon completion. As a Law Clerk and future Lawyer in practice, Abhishek hopes to explore his passion and interest by helping our clients and finding his place in the legal world.

Dr. Simon Cichello Ph.D. LLB – Law Clerk

Simon is an experienced licenced private agent (private detective). He holds a Certificate III and IV in Government Investigations, a B.Sc., Ph.D. and LLB. He has worked in research and as a professional observer in a number of overseas jurisdictions for private entities and government departments/ standing committees in Australia, USA, Pacific, SE Asia, and P.R. China. He completed a law degree and now undergoing Supervised Legal Training with Elisa Rothschild.

Interested in working with us?

Professionalism, efficiency, punctuality and an ability to work autonomously are part of the work ethic at Fogarty Oliver & Rothschild. To find out more about work experience and PLT placement, click here.

To apply for work experience or a PLT placement, please email elisarothschild@elisarothschild.com.au